
Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, and it’s also the perfect time to take care of some important home maintenance tasks. Here are a few tasks to add to your to-do list this spring to ensure your home stays in great shape throughout the year.

1. Inspect Your Roof

Start by checking your roof for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracked or missing shingles, as well as any signs of water damage. If you’re not comfortable climbing onto your roof, consider hiring a professional to inspect for you. Catching small leaks can help prevent large water-related disasters later!

2. Check Your Gutters

While you’re inspecting your roof, take a look at your gutters as well. Make sure they’re not clogged with debris, and that they’re securely attached to your home. If you do find any clogs, clear them out to prevent water damage.

3. Service Your HVAC System

Spring is the perfect time to have your HVAC system serviced. Have a professional come out to inspect and clean your system, and replace any worn-out parts. This will help ensure your system is running efficiently and will keep your home comfortable all year long.

4. Clean Your Windows

Winter weather can leave your windows looking dirty and dingy. Take some time to clean them inside and out. You’ll be amazed at how much brighter and cleaner your home will look.

5. Clear Your Yard

Winter weather can leave a lot of debris in your yard, including fallen branches and leaves. Take some time to clear out any debris and trim any overgrown bushes or trees. This will not only make your yard look better, but it will also help prevent any potential safety hazards.

By taking care of these important spring maintenance tasks, you can help ensure your home stays in great shape throughout the year. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’ve taken steps to protect your investment.

If you’re unsure about the condition of your HVAC system, suspect you have moisture problems in your home, or think your chimney may be unsafe, call Branch Services today at 631.467.6600 to get on the calendar now for some expert assistance. We’ll send a home inspector to assess your situation and put you on the fast track to enjoying your home and outdoor living space.

Preventing Mold in the Bathroom

As homeowners, we all want a clean and hygienic bathroom. However, one of the most common problems that many of us face is the growth of mold in our bathrooms, which can be unsightly and harmful to our health. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent mold growth in your bathroom. Here are some tips:

1. Keep your bathroom well-ventilated: Mold thrives in damp and humid environments, so it is essential to keep your bathroom well-ventilated. You can do this by opening a window or running the exhaust fan while you shower or bathe. This helps to remove excess moisture from the air and prevent mold growth.

2. Regularly clean and dry your bathroom: Mold needs moisture to grow, so it is important to regularly clean and dry your bathroom. Wipe down surfaces with a dry cloth after use, and regularly clean your bathroom with a mildew-resistant cleaner to prevent the growth of mold.

3. Fix leaks promptly: Leaks in your bathroom can lead to the accumulation of moisture, which can promote mold growth. Be sure to fix any leaks promptly to prevent this from happening.

4. Use a dehumidifier: If your bathroom is particularly humid, you may want to consider using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. This can be especially helpful in preventing the growth of mold.

5. Avoid carpeting or rugs in your bathroom: Carpeting or rugs can easily trap moisture and promote mold growth. Instead, opt for tile or vinyl flooring, which are more mold-resistant and easier to clean.

By following these simple tips you can prevent the growth of mold in your bathroom and keep your home clean and hygienic. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!

Soot and Smoke Removal: Tips for Cleaning up After a Fire

A fire in your home can be a devastating experience, and dealing with the aftermath can be extremely difficult. Soot and smoke can leave behind a mess that’s not only unsightly but also potentially hazardous to your health. If you’re dealing with soot and smoke after a fire, it’s important to act quickly to remove it from your home. Here are some tips for cleaning up after a fire.

Wear Protective Gear

Before you start cleaning up, it’s important to protect yourself. Soot and smoke can contain harmful particles that can be dangerous to inhale. Make sure to wear protective clothing—including long sleeves, pants, gloves, and a mask or respirator. This will help to minimize your exposure to any harmful substances.

Open Windows and Doors

The first step in cleaning up after a fire is to open all windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the room. This will help to remove any lingering smoke and soot particles from the air. You may also want to consider using fans to help circulate the air.

Vacuum up Loose Soot

Once you’ve opened up the room, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to suck up any loose soot or debris. This will help to minimize the amount of soot that settles on surfaces and make the cleaning process easier. Make sure to vacuum all surfaces, including walls, floors, and furniture.

Wipe Down Surfaces

After vacuuming, use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces and remove any remaining residue. This will help to remove any soot that didn’t get picked up by the vacuum. Make sure to use a clean cloth for each surface, and rinse the cloth frequently to avoid spreading soot around. Remember that soot reaches places you wouldn’t think it could, like inside closed cabinets, and under dishes and glasses, so you’ll want to empty every cabinet out and clean inside.

Use Specialized Cleaners for Stubborn Stains

For more stubborn stains you may need to use a specialized cleaner. There are many products on the market designed specifically for cleaning up after fires, such as soot removers and smoke odor eliminators. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, and test the product on a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn’t cause any damage.

Consider Hiring a Professional Restoration Service

If the damage is extensive, or if you’re not comfortable cleaning up yourself, you may want to consider hiring a professional restoration service like Branch Services. We have the equipment and expertise needed to clean up after fires and ensure that your home is safe and habitable once again.

In conclusion, dealing with soot and smoke after a fire can be a daunting task, but by following these tips you can make the process easier and more effective. Remember to wear protective gear, open windows and doors, vacuum up loose soot, wipe down surfaces, use specialized cleaners for stubborn stains, and consider hiring a professional restoration service if needed. With patience and persistence you can restore your home to its pre-fire condition and move forward from this difficult experience.

Why You Should Consider a Home Remodel

As homeowners we all have a certain vision for our living spaces. Whether it’s a dream kitchen, a luxurious bathroom, or an open-concept living area, we all have something in mind that we’d like to change or improve upon. But when it comes to actually making those changes, many of us are hesitant to take the plunge. After all, a home remodel can be a significant investment of time, money, and energy. However, there are many reasons why you should consider a home remodel, and here are just a few:

  1. Increased Comfort and Functionality: A home remodel can improve the functionality of your living space and make your home more comfortable and enjoyable to live in. Perhaps your kitchen is too small and cramped, or your bathroom lacks storage space. A remodel can help you create a space that meets your specific needs and makes your daily routine more efficient and enjoyable.
  2. Increased Home Value: A home remodel can also increase the value of your property. Whether you’re planning to sell your home in the near future or not, a remodel can help you maximize your investment and increase your home’s resale value. Certain home renovations can yield a return on investment of up to 80% or more.
  3. Energy Efficiency: A remodel can also help you improve your home’s energy efficiency. This can include upgrading appliances, installing new windows and doors, or adding insulation. Not only will this help you save money on your utility bills, but it can also make your home more environmentally friendly.
  4. Aesthetics: Finally, a home remodel can simply improve the aesthetics of your living space. Perhaps you’re tired of outdated fixtures or bland color schemes. A remodel can help you create a space that reflects your personal style and makes you feel proud to call your house a home. In conclusion, a home remodel can offer many benefits, from increased comfort and functionality to improved home value and energy efficiency. While it can be a significant investment, it’s important to remember that a remodel can also be a worthwhile one.

    So if you’ve been considering changing your living space, now is the time to take the plunge and start planning your dream remodel. Call Branch Services today at 631.467.6600 to get started on your new project or reserve your spot this spring!

Lead Abatement

Lead has proven to be a dangerous substance and as such, it is vital, particularly during renovations, that it be removed carefully and completely. 

Lead abatement is the process of removing or reducing the level of lead in a home or business. When lead abatement is done in a home, the process is designed to permanently eliminate lead paint-based hazards. These work practices are important to prevent children and adults alike from developing lead poisoning. Even pets may be in danger from the presence of lead. The only way to prevent lead poisoning is to remove lead from the environment. Once the lead is abated, the lead risk is gone and a home can be considered “lead safe”.

Renovation and Lead

In houses built prior to 1978, lead abatement activities are very important when any kind of renovation is taking place. Paint chips or even the lead dust from sanding lead paint can create an extreme hazard leading to elevated blood lead levels. During the renovation, repair, and painting of these homes, it is important to have a lead abatement contractor work on the job. An experienced lead risk assessor should be present to determine if lead paint stabilization, paint abatement, or a full lead abatement project needs to occur. 

Lead is not only dangerous when swallowed. It is also dangerous when it is inhaled. That means that even if the paint is not peeling it can be a problem. Lead paint is very dangerous when it is being stripped or sanded and lead particles fill the air.

The work performed during lead paint removal can be extremely dangerous and difficult. The EPA requires individuals and firms who perform abatement projects in pre-1978 target housing and child-occupied facilities to be certified and follow specific work practices.

If you decide to attempt to tackle this dangerous project on your own you can look to our previous blog posts for tips on the best way to contain and remove lead-based paint. However, it is highly recommended that you consider hiring a Certified RRP (Renovation, Repair, and Painting), Contractor. Remember, ANY dust leftover from your renovation can be a risk to your family and pets, so take this risk seriously and give us a call if you have questions about your work or need lead abatement completed on your property. 

Asbestos Roof Shingles: Are They Problematic?

Asbestos roof shingles were once marketed as a supreme service. Today, it is an infamous public health concern if not handled properly. Asbestos roof shingles are made from fibers that are an effective insulator and create stronger plastic, paper cloth, and other materials. The downside? The danger of asbestos, as found by The Environmental Protection Agency, is that exposure can cause a greater chance of developing harmful health effects such as lung disease.

Why was asbestos used in roof shingles? For many reasons. A few of these were:

· Durability

· Lightweight

· Inexpensive alternative

· Fireproof

The presence of asbestos in your home is not necessarily hazardous. What will create hazardous living conditions will depend on if the material becomes damaged, leading to asbestos becoming airborne. This will cause the release of fibers that can cause a health hazard.

Dangers of Asbestos Removal

Most state and local ordinances have laws governing asbestos shingles and their removal. Disposal by anyone other than a licensed and certified asbestos contractor may be prohibited. Additionally, if you are looking to install an AC and your home has asbestos roof shingles it is important to let your service provider know. Installing an AC in a home with asbestos roof tiles will not necessarily cause any immediate concerns. The concerns will only arise if the tiles are not in pristine condition. If the tiles are in like-new condition they can be ignored for the time being, but eventually, they will need to be replaced.

If you are unsure of the condition of your asbestos roof tiles or are looking to remove asbestos, call us at Branch Services, a certified asbestos roofing and siding company. Just be sure to let us know asbestos will be involved so we can prepare!

Mold in HVAC Systems: What You Need to Know

Mold is a common problem in many homes and buildings, with HVAC systems being a prime breeding ground for these harmful microorganisms. In this blog post, we’ll explore what causes mold in HVAC systems, how to identify it, and what you can do to prevent it.

What Causes Mold in HVAC Systems?

Mold thrives in warm, damp environments, making HVAC systems an ideal growing place. When moisture builds up in your heating and cooling system it can create the perfect conditions for mold to grow. There are several reasons why moisture may accumulate in your HVAC system, including:

  1. Poor Ventilation: Without proper ventilation moisture can build up in your HVAC system, creating an ideal environment for mold growth.
  1. Leaky Ductwork: Leaks in your ductwork can allow moisture to seep into your HVAC system, creating a perfect breeding ground for mold.
  1. Dirty Air Filters: When air filters become dirty or clogged they can reduce airflow and trap moisture in your HVAC system.

How to Identify Mold in HVAC Systems

Identifying mold in your HVAC system can be difficult, as it often hides in hard-to-reach places. However, there are some signs to look out for that may indicate a mold problem, including:

  1. Musty Odors: If you notice a musty odor coming from your HVAC system it could be a sign of mold growth.
  1. Visible Mold: If mold grows on or around your vents, ductwork, or HVAC unit, you likely have a mold problem.
  1. Allergy Symptoms: If you or members of your household experience allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or itchy eyes when your HVAC system is running, it could be a sign of mold growth.

Preventing Mold in HVAC Systems

Preventing mold in your HVAC system requires regular maintenance and attention. Here are some steps you can take to prevent mold growth:

  1. Change Your Air Filters: Regularly changing your air filters can help prevent moisture buildup and reduce the risk of mold growth.
  1. Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance: Getting your HVAC system regularly inspected and maintained by a professional can help identify and prevent mold growth.
  1. Improve Ventilation: Improving ventilation in your home can help reduce moisture buildup in your HVAC system and prevent mold growth.
  1. Seal Leaks: Sealing leaks in your ductwork can help stop moisture from getting into your HVAC system while preventing a breeding ground for mold.

In conclusion, mold in HVAC systems can be a serious problem that poses health risks to you and your family. By taking preventative measures and being vigilant for signs of mold growth, you can keep your home’s HVAC system mold-free and healthy.

Home Mold Remediation

Containing water and lowering the humidity in of your home is the best way to avoid mold growth.

If you read this blog, you already know that mold thrives in environments where there is water in the air. Mold is able to grow on any surface or substance as long as there is moisture. With the humidity continuing to exceed 60% outside on Long Island, there is a chance your home is providing fertile ground for mold growth! If you smell a musty odor in your home or if you already see mold it might be time to call in a professional at Branch Services, but if you are confident your home is mold-free, we have some mold remediation recommendations to help you keep it that way.

Home Mold Remediation Techniques

Open Your Windows

Keeping your windows open when possible will greatly increase the air circulation within the room or house. As we mentioned, the humidity has been pretty crazy lately but when there isn’t a storm looming be sure to open your windows. We also recommend ensuring your clothes dryer’s exhaust is taking the moisture out of the house.

Ventilation Fans

The steam that comes from your stove, grill, oven, and even your shower, can all greatly increase the moisture within a room. Be sure to turn on your ventilation fans to ensure the water particles in the air aren’t sticking to your walls or ceiling!


We know this one is pretty self-explanatory but we wanted to mention it. Many dehumidifiers excel at trapping mold spores within their filters; there are some that can even kill the mold after it has been filtered. All humidifiers were not created equal, so we recommend doing your research when picking a dehumidifier.


We know that few people want to spend their precious free time cleaning, but it is a great countermeasure against the spread of mold. The walls in your bathroom and kitchen are especially vulnerable to mold formation; as such we do recommend cleaning them often. Vacuuming can also help to reduce the small airborne particles that you would otherwise be breathing.

Making your home inhospitable to mold growth is your best course of action. If you believe you smell, see, or even sense the presence of mold in your home, give us a call! We are home mold remediation specialists ready to make your home mold-free. Call our office at 631.467.6600 or visit our website for the assistance and answers you need!

Flood Damage Cleanup: What to Do When Water Damage Hits

Flood damage cleanup can be difficult. We recommend calling a professional! While our current hurricane season has been relatively quiet, we’ve still seen high tides and strong winds that can drive water into homes. With hurricanes and Nor’easters, much of the damage you hear about isn’t from the wind; it’s the water damage. While storms aren’t always the cause, water damage emergencies happen all the time—be it from more common rain events, burst pipes, or even snowstorms.

Ensuring that you have current flood insurance if you are in a flood-prone region is a crucial pre-emptive step you can take to help pay for damages should they occur. Another step you can take in advance is to make sure that you have a properly working sump pump. These pumps will help remove water from your basement before it has the chance to rise and enter your home, keeping the flood damage cleanup requirements to a minimum.

Even if you’ve done everything possible in advance, floods still happen. When a flood hits there are some important things to keep in mind, which will help you through anything from a flooded basement to a whole house full of water.

The most important thing to remember in a flooding event is that a fast response is vital.

The more quickly you can respond to a flood in your home or business, the more likely you are to mitigate some of the damage and lower the overall costs. Certain items—such as carpets, flooring, and upholstered furniture—must be replaced for a proper water damage cleanup. A professional water damage restoration and mold remediation company, such as Branch Services, will have experience dealing with insurance claims and will be able to deal with your insurance company for you to get reimbursement for items that cannot be cleaned.

While dealing with small amounts of water damage—such as the kind that comes from a leaky pipe or a temporary water incident (think broken fish tanks!)—may seem like a DIY job, a property owner’s best course of action would be to contact a professional to be sure. What people may not realize when dealing with water damage is that just cleaning up the puddle you can see is likely not enough. Flood waters have a nasty habit of finding their way into nooks and crannies: behind molding, under wall coverings, behind fixed cabinetry, and more. All of these places are perfect environments for mold growth. Professionals will not only bring in industrial dehumidifiers but also air movers and ozone generators to prevent mold from taking hold of an area.

Remember, mold is nothing to mess around with, and you’re better safe than sorry. If a water damage event occurs, call a pro quickly. Nine out of ten times you’ll be glad you did! Flood damage cleanup can be a difficult process for an individual. Call Branch Services at (631)467-6600 for a professional flood damage cleanup!

Air Conditioner Leaks and How to Stop Them

Whether your air conditioner is housed in the attic or not, you may have experienced an air conditioner leak. If you have a leak this can cause water to enter ceilings, walls, and flooring. This is not only a mess, but it can also cause water damage and mold damage to your home that requires water damage restoration and mold remediation.

So, why does this happen and how can you avoid the problem and prevent water damage to your home?

HVAC systems contain evaporator coils that cool the warm air in your home as it is blown over them. As the air moves condensation forms on the coil. In the best-case scenario, this condensation then drips into the drain pan and finally runs through the condensation drain line outside of your house.

Sometimes, the AC leak is due to the condensation drain line becoming clogged. Dirt, debris, mold, or even spider webs can clog up the line causing water to back up into the house. If that’s the case, having an HVAC professional come to clear the line is your best bet.

Another reason you may experience a leak is because of an old drip pan. If your AC system is older than ten years it’s possible that your drain pan has become damaged or rusted. In that case the water is no longer being directed to the drain line and simply spills all over the house. That means that the pan needs to be replaced. Broken condensation pumps can cause a leak if your air conditioning unit is in the basement. Ideally, the condensation pump pushes the water up and outside of your basement; if it is broken the water builds up and makes a mess. Your HVAC specialist will need to replace the pump if this is the case.

Finally, if your air filter is dirty or you have a refrigerant leak, you may develop low pressure in your system causing the coils to freeze over. When the unit turns off the coils will defrost and you’ll have an AC leak that leaks water all over. To ensure this doesn’t happen make sure you change your filters regularly and you’re not leaking refrigerant. How will you know if you’re leaking refrigerant? Your air conditioner won’t cool as well and you may hear noises like hissing or bubbling. If these things are happening you will either have to repair the leak or replace the whole AC unit. Your HVAC professional will know for sure which is the better option for you.

Some AC units have a float switch that can turn off the system if the water is spilling out. If yours doesn’t have one you can ask to have one installed to avoid water damage from occurring in the first place.

If you’ve had a water leak that caused damage in your house, be sure to call Branch Services, today!